Title: Empty… Author: DanaK; DanaK35@yahoo.com URL: http://danak35.tripod.com Archiving: sure, let me know where though, so I can visit Rating: PG-13 Classification: Short story Spoilers: up to One Son Keywords: Scully Angst, UST, Scully POV Summary: The world is safe once again, but hers is crumbling Disclaimer: 'The X-Files' and all 'The X-Files' related characters and situations are the intellectual property of Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and the FOX network. The following material is not intended to infringe on the above copyright in any way. Which means, they aren't mine, yak yak yak...you know the drill! Empty By DanaK I leave AD Kersh's office without turning back, without returning Skinner's farewell and blindly hurry down the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator, not wanting to have to look at him once more. I don't wait up and I don't look back. I just want to get away. The world might have been saved, but my world lies in shards. At home, I drag off my coat in the hallway, carelessly letting it drop on the floor before slipping off the rest of my clothes in the bathroom, where I fill the tub with hot water, dump in scented bath oil in abundance, light candles and grab the radio from my bedside table. Tonight, soothing classical music won't do. I chose a radio station that plays rock and gratefully glide into the hot water, the bass drumming in my ears already. For a whole week, I have been acting purely on autopilot, sifting through remains, comforting distressed family members, writing up reports. Anything, as long as I don't have to face my feelings. Now the case is closed, we have the X-Files back and there are no more distractions. Hurt, anger and humiliation come back with a vengeance. My heart races, just as it has raced since I left the Gunmen's lair in anger, just as it has raced every day, every night, robbing me of my sleep. My mind is sick and tired with exhaustion. Just as I am sick and tired of those weeks of meaningless assignments, sick and tired of loosing the X-Files in the first place. Sick and tired of the fact that Diana Fowley came into our lives. Or back into our lives. The physical and emotional rollercoaster of everything that has happened since the X-Files burned down has left me drained. Empty. Now, for the first time in weeks, months, I am alone, broken and lonesome. As I lie there, lavender scented mist wafting around me staring unseeingly into the flickering light of the candles, I finally allow myself to feel. To face up to a truth I have buried deep inside me for a long time. I am jealous, something I haven't know myself to be because I love Mulder. I am in love with my partner. That is the quintessence of the pain that I am feeling right now, the core of everything that has gone wrong. There have always been moments. Other women. Different opinions. Phoebe Green, Bambi Berenbaum, Detective White, Melissa Ephesian, they have been mere intrusions into our world, disturbances that left me wondering about his past, his motivations, about what made him tick, about whether I knew him at all. And while we found ourselves growing closer every day, suddenly agreeing on so many things, finally seeing eye to eye about his quest, about what I had experienced with and without him, one little sentence brought my world crashing down. "You know what to do." Just one sentence but enough to make me realize that while we have become so close and he knows almost everything about me, I know nothing of him. Not really. Not of his past. Not of his motivations. Not anymore. He wouldn't tell me and I got only hints out of the Gunmen. It had felt like a betrayal then, but I decided to ignore it. True to form as always. The destruction of the X-Files, our consequent re- assignment and Antarctica almost made me forget. In fact when we survived Antarctica, Mulder and I survived stronger than ever. And we *were* stronger, even faced with re- assignment, with ridicule and humiliation. But then – like a malicious ghost – Diana Fowley came back. Haunting me. Taunting me. For whenever she returns, the cards are mixed anew, the loyalties challenged. His loyalties. Now, it seems quite clear. Something died in me that night at the Gunmen's, when he dismissed my misgivings about Diana and her motives before he even listened to what I had to say. "You are making this personal." Yes, it was personal, still is personal but I didn't drag the Gunmen into it for female bitchiness. Everything concerning Diana Fowley is personal and just a bit too calculated. She shows up, just when we're about to make a significant breakthrough, the boy who turned out to be living proof vanishes on her watch, she shows up when we find him again... there is a pattern there and I cannot fathom rationally why Mulder just doesn't want to see it. Emotionally I can. He is still involved. Whatever their past, it is enough to make him throw away six years of friendship and trust. To rock the fragile foundation of something that had been growing steadily. That alone is enough to cause disappointment, the fact that I am also in love with him makes it painful, so painful. My stomach is a tight knot and still that sickening feeling won't go away. So when exactly did I give him the power to hurt me? To make me feel empty and deflated, unloved, even worthless? To say I fell in love with him during my illness, when he was closest to me, closer even than my family, would be too easy. No, I fell in love with him gradually. It is little things really, the way he notices when I change my hair, the way he knows how I drink my coffee and what kind of breakfast I like. The way he is not afraid to cry in front of me. The way he bares his soul to me and the way he can get fiercely protective. I know he looks good, I know his body, I have seen him naked. But so many times that was with the eyes of a doctor, a concerned friend and colleague. Then one night changed all that, one surreal night, amidst a cheering crowd, a real-life "monster" in tow, a friend asked me to dance, but a man, an damn good-looking one at that, took my hand and pulled me close, making my cheeks flush and my heart beat faster. Out of sheer excitement. That night, I started seeing him with the eyes of a woman, instead of a doctor and a friend. Now, I am wondering how it would feel to touch his full lower lip with my index finger, to run my hands through is hair. To feel his taut stomach under my bare hands. Now, I notice how his eyes change color, how his whole body mirrors his feelings. Tall and upbeat when he is happy, sloped and deflated when he is not. In the end the vivid memory of that magical night brings forth the tears and for a while my racked sobs drown out the music. When I can cry no more, I crawl out of the cooling water, wrap myself into my soft terry cloth dressing gown and hide under the covers. I am empty of tears, empty of anger, of thought and finally, finally my stomach unknots, my heart slows down and sheer exhaustion makes me fall asleep. I will make it through this. I have to. End Feedback? Yes please: danak35@yahoo.com